Project Summary

In a repeat of the Skyway bridge East bound section transport, the West bound 210 ft long steel transition box, or  tub, was transported from its construction site in Vancouver, WA, to the installation site in the San Francisco Bay. Although similar to the East bound tub, the West bound tub was slightly longer and heavier. Using the same 2 sets of Scheuerle self-propelled hydraulic modular trailers, it was loaded in mid August 2006 onto the barge LUCKY LOGGER. After loading, the West bound tub was lowered onto the slightly modified East bound grillage structures and secured for the tow to Oakland, CA.

Upon arrival, the trailers were again combined into a single block and repositioned under the center of the tub. Once towed to the installation site and moored, the tub was lifted free of the barge grillages and rotated 90 deg. The tub was then lifted off the trailers using computer controlled strand jacks.    

Scope of Work

The project scope included:


Project Photographs

specialists in marine heavy-lift transportation engineering
naval architects
marine surveyors

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Est. 1992

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Feasibility check of the selected barge;
Prepare loading procedures, including detailed ballast plans;
Design optimum stowage arrangement;
Establish design wave and wind criteria for the tow;
Stability and barge motion analyses;
Structural analysis of the barge structure subjected to the trailer loads during loading and rotating;
Design of tub grillage modifications, and tub seafastenings;
Monitor weather forecasts for the tow down to Oakland;
Calculations of barge draft, trim, and stability during rotating and lifting of the tub;
On-site assistance during loading, seafastening, and rotation operations.
West tub rolling towards loading dock
West tub rolling towards loading dock
West tub departing
West tub departing
West tub rotated on barge
West tub rotated on barge
West tub ready to be lifted
West tub ready to be lifted
West tub lifted off Lucky Logger
The West bound Skyway tub rotated and lifted off the LUCKY LOGGER