Project Summary

In the summer of 2005, the two AFDB-9 dry dock sections were wet towed from Philadelphia, PA, to Galveston TX. Each dock section measured 350 x 229 ft. A wet tow feasibility study was performed, including a detailed stability analysis (intact and damaged) and hull bending moment calculation in waves. After a long tow, with a stop over in Key West to avoid some hurricanes, the dock sections safely arrived in Galveston and were put to work.

Scope of Work

The project scope included:

Project Photograph

specialists in marine heavy-lift transportation engineering
naval architects
marine surveyors

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Est. 1992

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Review intact and damaged stability of each section;
Establish design environmental criteria for the tow;
Check strength of each section subject to wave bending;
Estimate required bollard pull for the tow.
Dry dock in Galveston
Dry dock in operation in Galveston